Their some goods and some not good one of the shocked things is theirs a new ford its named the ford Shelby is at tier 6 and the best car yet its max was 1,000 but when its pro then its Max is 2,000 with all kinds of shocking moves. Bad thing the car is one the game you guys have the wrong thir cuz I beat the Ferrari f40 by 100 minutes with the Shelby so why not we get a video of the race just like add it and I am a race person and my Shelby goes up to 950 the 1st race if you beat my team or Doug Cory Amanda and someone that you will not beat this time Pupa Biz theirs one other car and its max for pro is 1,101but you all most race the fool without the Shelby which none of you will but you most try before going to world tour their is a way you thank you can beat me well I have help the 1,101 car is the one you need the other cars will not help you my team name is Lifeboat so your 1st ally is my sister Amanda with her car being 730 if you beat her the 1st round which I think you will not then you race her a 2nd time with her being at 750 then if you beat her again it will be her max at 790 beat her you move on to Cory then she goes up to a 800 1st game beat her 1st round which is not happening then you race her a 2nd time she goes up to 827 beat her then she goes up to 899 so she tells you Im not a doll at racing beat her which is not happening you world move on to the thir 1 boss Pupa Biz he starts at 900 his car is hard to beat if you do but you will not you race him a 2nd time he then goes up to 980 if you beat him then he goes up to 890 which oh most none of you can go up to that beat him but it will not happen you most try racing me my name is Robert Ross my 1st race is you trying to beat me at 1,000 and I will not happen but if you do without a ford Shelby then you race me a 2nd time with me at 1,500 which none of your cars can go up to not even your pro cars but if you shock all of us by beating me the 2nd time Ill be upset and talking mean to you the 3rd time and Im at 2,000 and my team not talks mean to me so I know you can not stand trash so I put some in your way so Ill pass you with my no2 then you have not a way to win I do not care about the time my team with not at all er so if I told you theirs a race you have to do before that thats racing NASCAR and on their truck and I will be their so you can try looking at me so go do your job it will never happen